
[video] sidechain width in ableton live

Showing you a slightly more advanced technique: how to sidechain width in Ableton Live.
This means that when one sound plays, some other sound will lose its width while it’s happening.
Showing two ways to do it, one involving Max For Live, and the other only using Ableton Live’s native tools.

techstep weed – separate tracks (download)

I upload all the tracks of Techstep Weed to my Dropbox as audio tracks.
A few buses are included (drums, bass, some synths).
Files are 24-bit, 44.1K with some headroom.

You can either use them as samples in your own music, or if you want to have a go at a remix, please do (I won’t promise reposting or releasing any but will def take a listen if you remix the shizz)!

Continue reading techstep weed – separate tracks (download)

new track out: techstep weed