Had a few words about this and that with DNB Universe.
Check out the interview.
Helsinkinstrumentals continuous mix
FatGyver “Helsinkinstrumentals” continuous mix now up on Youtube
[VIDEO] OK to run tracks red in a DAW?
CloudBounce is kicking off a new weekly/bi-weekly mixing and music production tips video series, hosted by yours truly.
Here’s today’s topic: is it OK to run tracks red in a DAW.
Nu:Sounds blog asked me for 10 DNB tracks that have influenced me, so I did a list and said a few words about them.
Check them here (notice that they play as a Youtube playlist).
[VIDEO] Ableton tip: how to modulate sample start point in Sampler
“The Silent Watcher” out now
My new album ”The Silent Watcher” is out today.
It’s an aging junglist’s take on D&B / bass music. Today is my 37th birthday and the only way I’m celebrating it is by releasing this album.
I’m allowing you to pay what you want for it; I don’t even know what people should be charged for music these days. Zero is a valid price, too, if you can’t afford anything, but in that case I’d kindly ask you to share it – if you like it, that is.
It’s also out via all typical outlets and streaming services.
BANDCAMP (name your price):
…and on pretty much any store of your choice. Continue reading “The Silent Watcher” out now