Just finished a fairly big update on my Youtube channel.
Check it out if ya dig.
Nautilus (unreleased)
Polku (unreleased)
Tips for aspiring producers (and advanced ones, too)

Every once in a while, I get asked a few quick and/or important general tips for making music. I’ve been making music for a little over two decades, and made a few tunes every now and then, so maybe that’s why. Or, at least that’s an indication that I manage to finish my feeble efforts.
I’m planning to update this blog a bit more often with production-related material (there already is some), and this time I wanted to get busy with some of the basics.
I started keeping a notepad so that I’d write a blog post on the “useful tips for beginners” topic, and this is it. It’s definitely more of a general one than a technique-specific one.
I’m definitely not a “master” of making music, but these topics are something I can look back on and say at least I’ve learned something valuable regarding them and all of this is based on experience.
These are in no particular order.
1) DO YOUR OWN THING. Continue reading Tips for aspiring producers (and advanced ones, too)
It is finally alive: my Youtube channel
Holy crappazoid.
This took some work; been in the plans for years, TBH. Continue reading Youtubin’!
Contribution to “jungle war”
So this jungle warz thing started online…here is my contribution!