FatGyver is back with another album.
“Helsinkinstrumentals” is one stubborn hip hop lover’s testament to hip hop in 2017.
If you like your beats fat, your samples fresh, and the vibes raw and uncut, this is for you. And if you like rap, hey, we got Blu and Raw Poetic on board.
Old school, new school, true school – call it what you want. This is the school of hip hop as it used to be and how it still is for many. This is underground Helsinki sound.

• Purchase/play: Bandcamp / Google Play / Juno / iTunes / Spotify / Beatport…or any other digital store.
• Buy cassette tape.
PS: On some sites, track 9 erroneuously has featuring artists Naetti-Poika and Blu. This is a mistake, and they are featuring on track 10. This is being addressed, and has been fixed by some shops already.
If this is your thing, see the two other FatGyver releases on Bandcamp.