In 2016, I happened to discuss with many musicians what could be filed under “success”, for lack of a better word, and I kept jotting down several notes about it throughout the year. The topic we always shared was along the lines of where we are now in terms of our music, are we doing well with it, where are we going next, have we ever thought of quitting, etc.
So, what’s a better way to start 2017 than writing down about those pointers and thoughts relating to “success”, hoping it’ll be a successful year to everybody.
I’m writing this in reference to music, as that’s what I do, but this could be applied to other creative fields as well.
I’m sure there are as many definitions of success as there are people, so I don’t consider mine to be “right” or the most correct by any means. I’d love to hear about yours.
The way I see it is based on having made music for 25 years so far (and not quitting yet, ha!) and observing what happens around me and to my “colleagues” in the process and how their thoughts regarding their craft shape as the years go by. Continue reading Success