
Vlog # 1: Motivation

I had a blog post planned, but this time I thought I’d try doing a vlog thing instead.
The topic is motivation. It mostly relates to music, because that’s what I do, but most of this can be applied to anything, no matter what your craft is.
The thoughts arose from a conversation with a person who got in touch about some tips and inspiration on how to get forward with music.

Current engineering rates



PRICING (VAT is added in EU)
• mastering 1–4 songs: €44 per song (turnaround time 1–3 days)
• mastering 5 songs or more: €40 per song
• quick delivery: €55 per song (turnaround time 24 hours)
[batch discounts always for albums / 4+ songs – case-specific]
• mixing+mastering a song from stems: €45 per hour (max €100)
• mastering for vinyl: €5 additional charge per song
• revisions: no charge
• mixdown/production advice: hourly consultation rate of €45. This is to help you improve your mix. Total price is based on time spent listening and documenting improvements.
• various audio work (cleaning up recordings, denoising, declicking, repairing audio, etc.): €45 per hour

CONTACT via email

A few FatGyver beats

Posted a few unreleased hiphop beats on my FatGyver Soundcloud page, which has been quite silent for a long time.
I’ll be updating that more now that we’re slowly starting to move with Phatventures, and I’m already working on another full-length beats album.
I’m still waiting to hear from the plant regarding the new cut of the first Phatventures LP…these things take time…sorry, it’s all out of my hands!
Follow if you’re into that 90s ‪#‎hiphop‬ vibe and beats.
There’ll be tons more.