
Bandcamp bonanza

Hello, friends – Bandcamp news!

My forthcoming album is now up as a digital preorder on my Bandcamp. It’ll be released on Jan 12.
You’ll get to download one track right away if you buy it now.

Vinyl preorder campaign
is up for one more week.
(BTW the Diggers Factory site seems to be jammed at the time of writing this; I’ve informed them about this)

Also, my whole Bandcamp discography will be on a -50% discount Continue reading Bandcamp bonanza

[MIX] FatGyver presents PhatCast Vol. 1


In anticipation of the forthcoming FatGyver album on the new PHATVENTURES label, here’s FatGyver’s “PhatCast Vol 1” DJ selection done using wheels of S(tee)L.


• PREORDER FATGYVER VINYL by Jan 12, 2018 •…nterval-beats

These are tunes by some of the hip hop producers that inspire me Continue reading [MIX] FatGyver presents PhatCast Vol. 1

[Video] VLOG #3: Advice for young producers

Being active on social media about music production stuff, I receive questions, “Do you have any tips for me?” on the regular. This video is about my tips to young producers.

Some of my own personal music production philosophy here.