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Making a sample-based hip hop beat [video]

Time to get busy with some sample-based beatmaking!
New video up is on Patreon now.

I’ve always loved hunting down samples and making stuff around it. I don’t always build things “around it”, but this time I’m doing just that.

I’ve seen some people say stuff like sample-based music is on the decline, and hearing that alone was enough to put my FatGyver pants on and do this for ya’ll! Continue reading Making a sample-based hip hop beat

Redux/Renoise aciiiid! [video]

I LOVE TRACKERS – and I love Renoise/Redux…and I love the 303 snarl, and now I’ll show you how you do aceeeed with Renoise/Redux on a new video on Patreon.

Basically creating something out of nothing, almost…and let’s go all aceeeeeeeed with it!

I really like how legit it sounds this way.
Post contains links to both Renoise project and Redux instrument that I create on the video, so you can either use it or reverse engineer it.

Operator wubs! [Ableton video]

I promised recently to show how I created the Operator basses in the recent project I posted, so here we go…get all wubsy with it!

🔈Watch: sick Operator wubs lesson!🔈 

If anyone says stock DAW tools aren’t powerful these days, I’m going to slap them around with a very large trout.

More bass stuff in the near horizon; I just discovered something really cool and new I want to share next month.

So keep your eyes locked on the page….Uncle Fanu aka Lil Wubsy’s got you covered with bass!